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In your office, in the street from those unseen broadcasting masts, in your kitchen, insidious invisible it’s coming to getcher..its already gettin’ yer but you don’t know it, cannot tell unless you invest in a gaussmeter, get a device that reads it like a geiger counter and puts it up on the screen, makes a record, facts and figure volts per metre etc etc. Then what? No sweat, no bother they will tell you , all within the safety limits. Now there is a good one, want some fun? Enter the magical mystery world ( Beatles ref this time) of scientifically proven safety limits and you could circle forever constantly evacuating your own bowels as the need for erudition in six different scientific disciplines will be painstakingly if not patronisingly emphasised to you, it becomes essential to understanding the potential links and cross references. But no matter, don’t bother, ‘cos like all science they make it up as they go along. They do you know, literally, and anyway nowadays its made up to suit interests. Commercial ones mostly, in other words to make money, often frantically as its huge quantities. Apart from a few, relics almost, the old-fashioned disinterested scientists who paradoxically are very interested, but in the course of their science and where it takes them by asking questions,framing hypotheses, doing experiments and sharing results until the money runs out that is, or someone claims the benefits, uses patents to own the knowledge or they tread on someones toes. They however our our only hope and salvation.

Hey!Holy Cow! Get that! Real Messiah talk now..tellin’ the troot an’ thassafac.


How can you avoid electrosmog ?

Lets pause here awhile..


down to serious business.

In a privatised kind of way you could invest in an EMF and Electrosmog-meter/detector Electrosmog-meter (also known as Gaussmeter, Teslameter, emf-meter, ELF-meter, hf-meter/detector) are what’s needed to detect electrosmog (electric and electromagnetic fields/rays).

If your pocket stretches to it, or maybe if you are desperate enough, you could try what are marketed as Mains Disconnection Relays
Mains Disconnection Relay (also known as Mains Monitoring Relay or Automatic Disconnection Facility) is THE claimed professional way to avoid electrosmog, especially in sensitive areas like sleeping rooms and children rooms.
Magnetic and electric fields are very common in home and office as we know because of the use of mains ac power. Electric fields occur whenever a voltage difference occurs, therefore electric fields are emitted from appliances which are plugged in even if they are switched off. If devices are switched on the device AND the mains ALSO produce electromagnetic fields. However, mains are also used in sensitive areas like sleeping rooms and children rooms. To avoid electrosmog in these areas is said to be quite easy with the use of the Mains Disconnection Relay apparatus.
This device reduces electrosmog to ZERO it is claimed and is easy to install in your home wiring (usually in your fuse-box).
How does it work ? The Mains Disconnection Relay interrupts the power supply after switching off all series-connected loads and thus eliminates any disturbing electromagnetic field. One pole of this circuit then remains disconnected from the mains. The neutral conductor and earthing system are connected continually. The device then monitors the circuit with approx. 2.5V DC-Voltage. When a load is switched on again the relay switches the phase back to the regular net-voltage. This pickup time is below 0.3s!
The current-setting is infinitely variable from 5 to 200mA.
It is also suitable for rotary dimmers.
There is an automatic disconnection facility which can be cancelled directly with the rotary-switch or with the Base-Load Adapter GLA for the socket outlet in order to test or temporarily operate devices with an excessively low power consumption.

You can order this device or others from online shops, easily found by typing ‘electrosmog’ into google or a similar search engine.

Of course if your electrosmog is billowing out invisibly from a mobile phone mast on a nearby roof or from the neighbours dodgy wiring or a powerline it won’t be much use cutting down your own, but hey! Think Globally act locally as the man said.

In some cases Mains Disconnection Relay’s cannot be used. This happens if the connected devices always have to be connected to the mains. Some of these devices are:

• Phones
• Alarms
• Door bell
• Refrigerator
• Other devices that have to be on standby.

If you want to use these devices WITHOUT electrosmog you only have one solution: shielded cable.

Shielded cable/mains
Shielded cable/wires are used to reduce electric and electromagnetic waves and rays from mains in home, office and industries. If a Mains Disconnection Relay cannot be used This is claimed to be the best way to reduce electrosmog at all locations.
All mains produce lots of magnetic and electric fields and rays (electrosmog). Mains are almost in all areas of our daily life with the huge extension in the use of electrical devices over the last twenty or thirty years. Especially in frequently used areas like your living room, office, kitchen, sleeping room etc. mains “pollute” you day after day with hughe quantities of electrosmog. Remember: If devices are switched on mains produce strong electromagnetic fields. Even if the devices are switched off mains emit strong electric fields. Mains can’t be avoided BUT you can shield them and protect yourself from their emissions. Shielded cables reduce EMF-emissions to a minimum and therefore it is claimedoffer the best protection against electronic smog.
Again try an Online-Shop.

How can you avoid electrosmog ?

Shielding strong electrical fields can be done by using any type of conductive sheet material, such as aluminium window screen,in front of an indoor appliance. The shield should be connected to electrical ground for maximum efficiency.
Shielding magnetic fields is more difficult than shielding electric fields. The main sources of AC magnetic fields in a home are transformers, motorised equipment, sloppy wiring inside the house walls, excess current carried by plumbing, and powerlines or underground power cables. Running cars have a strong AC magnetic field especially nearest the front floorboard, even though the system is classified as “DC”. Commercial aircraft also have a strong field inside. The fields in cars and aircraft oscillate faster than the 60 times per second typical of household AC power. Wall outlets generally produce no magnetic fields. Any piece of electronic equipment that plugs into the wall, such as a clock radio or answering machine, should have a transformer. Simply staying away from high-field areas is the best way to avoid them.
As many EHS sufferers know there may not be much choice but trying to do this is easier said than done.

Is electrosmog dangerous ?

Laboratory studies have shown that electrosmog can affect living cells but even so those vested interests producing it claim it is unclear whether these effects are harmful. Some epidemiological studies have reported a possible link between electrosmog exposure and cancer. Other studies indicate that continuous exposure to levels as low as 2 Milligauss (mG) may be harmful.There are masses of reports online to be read at leisure. Current research is expected to provide more answers about potential health effects within the next few years, the government is requiring mobile phone companies for instance to fund research, some are sceptical of their framing and the likelihood of their uncovering really damaging results. Is this being cynical or just worldly-wise? Until then, it’s best to play it safe and know the level of electrosmog in your home and work environment.

Typical symptoms of electrosmog seem to be:
• Fatigue
• Sore eyes
• Headaches
• Nausea
• “Brain-fog”
• Miscarriages
• Cancer
Heavy doses seem to produce:
• childhood leukaemia
• Alzheimer’s
• Chronic fatigue (M.E.)
All this is under investigation where true science can find funding, meanwhile we are all the canaries.

Only by using dedicated Test Equipment for Electrosmog is it normally detectable, being odourless and invisible, though some sensitives know it is there immediately of course. There is on offer a new generation of measuring/test equipment, in which newly developed and patented detection sensors have been implemented. So it is now possible to find professional measuring equipment at lower prices. Measuring and testing devices are usable even by amateurs – even by the novice. The MULTI-Detektor II Profi was crowned with a 1st. Place Award in the year 2000 by the SwedishÖKO-Audit. Its on the internet.So it is now possible to test for EMF effects in your bedroom, office etc quite easily and effectively.